Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Best Completely Free Software, and what they're alternatives to

 Check out my fonts article aswell, just like that one this one's updated whenever i feel like it.

Operating Systems - If You Wanna Live The Completely Free Life

ReactOS - Windows 9x

ReactOS is a open source operating system that aims to be the most similar to Windows, and as of right now, it's not doing a bad job at it. It's interface may immediately trigger your Windows 95/98 nostalgia, as most builds of the system look nearly identical to that of Windows 95. A great feature rarely found in libre operating system like this is the .EXE support - meaning it can run any Windows program you throw at it, at least if Windows can run it as well. With support for such a system specific file type in such a used system, it's no wonder programs rarely provide support for ReactOS and go with the flow.
I recommend it, and if it has a Windows XP theme too i'd buy it- and yes it does.

helloSystem (and any other open-source BSD) - Mac OS X

So sadly i couldn't really find a Mac clone like ReactOS, but i DID find the actual ancestor of Mac OS X! And yes, it's open source!
BSD is an operating system based on the likes of Unix. Originally it is source-available, and then open source, but the system was last updated in 1995, so if you want to have an actually updated one, then try (the most ironically named) FreeBSD. Aswell as being the base for the paid Mac OS X, you may have a little bit of code from it in your Windows installation too. Microsoft used at least part of the TCP/IP code in creating later versions of Windows. Also used in the operating system of Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. Even big companies can't resist open source code.
Anyways, helloSystem is YET ANOTHER BSD derivate that actually aims to look like Mac, and is not just a Mac ancestor. Likely not compatible, but gives a heavy Mac OS X vibe.

MS DOS is officially open source now

MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0 have their official source code hosted on Microsoft's GitHub. All of the code is now under the MIT (OSI) license, meaning you can fork the project and even make your own free (maybe even paid) derivative.
If you're not convinced, don't bother; just try out FreeDOS! and speaking about that...


Paint.net - MS Paint?

Ok - MS Paint IS free - but it's only on Windows. Anyways, i chose this because it has a simple, user friendly interface that allows you to create good looking photos in minutes. Most people should get the interface atleast by their 5th open.

Friday, May 21, 2021

High-Quality Free Inspired Alternatives to Paid Fonts!

 No money? These will be the only fonts you need for design after you download them!

Updated whenever i find good open source fonts!
Also, these are not digitizations of normally paid fonts, but i recommend Libre Franklin and Clarendon if you're in that path.

Fraunces - Cooper Black, Windsor, New Kansas

Fraunces is a font that will succeed in almost any need for serifs! It's a revival of the "Old Style" genre, as well as the muddy black serifs from the 1970's! So, where does the "Cooper Black/Windsor" vibe come in? Well, check out "Fraunces SuperSoft Black". I recommend any size below 72pt, because the x height gets pretty low when you go over that weight. It also has beautiful italics, and even the signature Cooper F. If you don't have a program with advanced OpenType Features that's okay, you can also download a static version of all the sizes, softnesses, and weights instead of getting the variable version.

Besley* and Jost* - Clarendon and Futura

I decided to put these in the same section because they're both by the same foundry.

Besley is a beautiful redesign of Clarendon that contains italics! It comes in many weights, even  fatface! Maybe we need a few more serifs than Fraunces, but this is a slab serif, not a normal serif --- okay?

Jost is a font that tries to maintain the cool geometric attitude shown in fonts like Futura, while making a whole new font from scratch! If you miss the beautiful lowercase a in Futura, you can get it as an stylistic alternate- sadly only if you have OpenType features though.

Inter - Univers and Helvetica

Inter is a  nice Google font alternative to Helvetica. It has a clear inspiration from the neo-grotesque designs of the 1950s. It also seems to draw inspiration from the glyphs of Univers. There is also a version called Inter V, and we couldn't find a difference- maybe it's the kerning?
Roboto is also a good Google Font for Helvetica.

Bpreplay and Jellee - Rounded Fonts

Bpreplay seems to draw inspiration from VAG and Futura Rounded (even though they're identical fonts) and Jellee likely draws inspiration from Helvetica and Arial Rounded, especially with there being only a bold weight.
Try 'em out on their respective pages;

Times Newer Roman - remove the "er"

I couldn't resist adding this - It's not Nimbus Roman, so i guess it's inspired and not a direct copy.
Times Newer Roman is a cool modification of the Times New Roman design that modifies the x height and makes characters 5-10% wider. 
It says it also saves the amount of words used in a 12pt document. I don't have any proof of that, but that sounds pretty good online.
Now you know Times Newer Roman exists, you're likely gonna ask; What's Times Old Roman? 
And gladly, i have an answer for that- it's just called Times.
(Also, i just found out this is a modification of Nimbus Roman. Technically, i should scrap the first paragraph.)

Gidole - DIN

Gidole is a modernized version of the good ol font DIN, likely what indestructible type would do with the font. It doesn't look bad and is sadly only in one weight.


D-DIN is a font commissioned by the company Datto to Monotype. Gladly they have agreed to make it open source, making it free for everyone to use. Despite the name, this is not a digitization of DIN. Think more FF DIN, a completely new and different design with the odd style of the DIN typefaces.

RAILWAY - Railway humanist fonts, and Gill Sans

As the name implies, RAILWAY is a humanist font inspired by the London Railway fonts, and the very similar design of Gill Sans.

Vremena, Vremena Grotesk and Pressuru - Arial, Times, and Impact

All of these fonts are very nice tributes to Times, Arial, and Impact. They all have a distinguishing feature which is a Russian-style K (not 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Helvetica Free Alternatives


Helvetica Free Alternatives

Hello and welcome to LibreType, where we will discuss alternatives to the ever-so-popular font, Helvetica. You will see Helvetica everywhere, from Apple from everyday logos-- You want that font, so you go to it's page to get it, then you realize---- it's completely out of your budget.

What do you do then? Save your money? Ask for PayPal donations? That's fine and all, but

Helvetica can fit inside your budget, if you can find good alternatives! 

Also, i don't have the font either, so you're not alone. I'm only using Helvetica because it's 

pre-packed with Blogspot. And it took that sentence to make you guys realize this is written in Helvetica. Well, let's dive into the many alternatives now! 

Preinstalled Font: Arial 

 Arial was Monotype's answer to Helvetica. Arial is one of the few copycat fonts that normal people cannot tell apart from the real version. Why is this font so popular?

The answer is availability. This font is available on BOTH Mac and Windows, making it more popular than Helvetica. It is a go-to for Windows users who can only afford the preinstalled

fonts (ironic). 

Nimbus Sans L (open-source demo)

This font isn't on Google Fonts, so i'll be using Helv, but actually it doesn't care because this is literally free Helvetica.
Nimbus Sans L is basically Helvetica but for the losers who still use Linux.
URW provided a open source normal and bold weight of their font for the Ghostscript software.
The sad news is that the actual font is not free at all. Each style is $35, which is added up to $2,023.70 when you buy all of the 59 fonts from MyFonts. So if you want the other styles of Helvetica for free you should keep search because you're not finding them here.
So, if you're wondering, "L" is actually an indicator that the font was digitized from a laserprinter version of the font. 
Like all the GPL Nimbus fonts, this font has many derivates, so we will be discussing them in subheadings.


TeXGyreHeroes is a derivative of Nimbus Sans L, under the GUST Font License. It has added math symbols, and also an extra condensed version for completely free, something which was not offered by URW for free. You can download the font and more TeXGyre fonts here.


FreeSans is yet another derivative of Nimbus Sans L. More symbols have been added. Nothing more 
significant than that. Download it with FreeSerif and FreeMono here.


Roboto is one of the biggest family of fonts i've ever seen. This font is a huge treat for the people who don't bother to pay. Roboto is Google's Helvetica, which is basically a hyperfamily. No joke. It has so many variants that some of them extend from sans serif. For example, there is Roboto Slab, Mono, and if that wasn't enough, there is A VERSION WITH HEBREW LETTERS.
There is a font named Heebo, which became a VARIABLE FONT a while ago. So, if you don't have this, GET IT because it's absolutely something.


This is an earlier version of TeX Gyre Heroes. Sadly it became obsolete when TGH came out and the only clues to it is on the TeX Gyre fonts download page. The full font is available on Fontke, and the TTF version is on Font Yukle.


Inter is another Helvetica alternative similar to Roboto in appearance and similar to Helvetica in execution. It is a variable font made by Ramsus Anderson.

In Conclusion

There are many alternatives to Helvetica you can find online, and each has it's difference, but maintain the same appeal Helv. does. If anyone has any more Helvetica alternatives, please tell me in the comments below.
If you think you're ready to pay for Helvetica, go here*MyFonts
*Not sponsored


Best Completely Free Software, and what they're alternatives to

 Check out my fonts article aswell, just like that one this one's updated whenever i feel like it. Operating Systems - If You Wanna Live...